

Yarning Circle Highlights

Yarning Circle

National Reconciliation Week (NRW)

Niina Marni (Hello, how are you?)

As part of the our Reconciliation Week celebrations, students were invited to ľ¹ÏÓ°Ôº's second Yarning Circle for 2024 with a terrific turn out and several family members attending.

Karen from Australian Native foods, kicked the day off with some gardening in our Indigenous garden. Along with Mic, they harvested some Saltbush, which students later turned into Saltbush chips along with other native food goodies! Karen and Mic also spent some time with Yusuf, OAC’s groundsman, to work out a maintenance schedule for the Indigenous garden.

After a morning tea of bush tucker, Tracey gathered the group together and they did some more weaving, working on our Woven mural, which is getting close to being finished. Katrina Doolan gave us some basket weaving instructions and students weaved themselves a bracelet.

Following the fun, Mic hosted our first student Reconciliation Action Group meeting. Mic and Yasmin provided an introduction to the RAP and spent some time explaining what the RAP is and how students can contribute to its expansion and implantation. The Yarning Circle was an opportunity for all OAC students to engage in Aboriginal culture. This event was open to all members of our school community, and everyone was welcome to join us in celebrating Indigenous culture and fostering meaningful connections. We are excited for our next Yarning Circle in Term 3. Updates will be posted closer to the date!

Ngaityalya (Thank you)

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Last updated: 04 June 2024