

2020 Indulkaninna Foundation Bursaries

ICPA are proud to announce a selection of bursaries available to families of the ICPA due to a wonderful donation we received. Applications close 30th June 2020.

The Indulkaninna Foundation has generously donated $10,000 to the SAICPA, to support education initiatives for disadvantaged rural and remote students.

We are delighted to be able to offer the following bursaries to students of parents with current membership of the South Australian Isolated Children’s Parents’ Association.

Application forms with further information will be distributed via email and social media and will be available on our website: sa.icpa.com.au. For further information email: sapresident@icpa.com.au

Tertiary Education/Trade Bursary - x4 $300/student. Total = $1200
The Tertiary Education Bursary aims to help with a range of costs associated with tertiary study (eg. University students may choose to pay for first semester books or fees, an apprentice may choose to pay for tools etc). Proof of enrolment at a University, TAFE or College is required.

Applicants need to provide the following:
• Resumé of interests, achievements and contributions (eg. sporting, cultural, community etc).
• Statement explaining career goals and personal circumstances (no more than 1 paragraph).
• A written reference attesting to the students’ character.
• Brief explanation/breakdown on how the Bursary will be spent.

Secondary Schooling Bursary - x4 $300/student. Total = $1200
The Secondary Schooling Bursary is intended to assist with costs associated with secondary schooling and may include academic or co-curricular expenses, for example, books, laptops, excursions and sporting uniforms or equipment.

Applicants need to provide proof of current enrolment in years 7 to 12, a Resumé of interests, achievements and contributions (academic, sporting, cultural, community etc) and a brief written explanation/breakdown of how the Bursary will be spent.

Primary Schooling SPELD SA Literacy Intervention: Total =$6000 (up to 5 students)
The Literacy Intervention Bursary is for a Primary School student to receive a subsidised enrolment in the Sounds~Write Literacy Clinic. This is delivered through SPELD SA, the Specific Learning Difficulties Association of SA.

The clinic provides weekly individual tutoring online for students with learning difficulties such as dyslexia, or those who require additional support with literacy. The bursary will apply to 20 sessions, an equivalent of 6 months intervention, with a parent contribution of $25 per session. Staff at SPELD SA will review applications and award the Bursary based on student’s needs.

Creative Arts Bursary: X 4 $250/student. Total = $1000
The Creative Arts Bursary will be awarded to two primary and two secondary students to participate in dance, drama, music or visual arts programs. This applies to both face to face and remote delivery options.

Applicants must have an interest in pursuing a creative arts area and successful applicants will need to provide proof of registration to be reimbursed by SAICPA.

Direct donation to Port Augusta School of the Air = $600
This donation will be directed specifically towards face to face events.

N.B. All Bursaries are subject to selection by a panel consisting of representatives from the Indulkaninna Foundation, SPELD (for the Primary Schooling Literacy Intervention) and an SAICPA State Councillor. Applicant’s parents must be current SA ICPA Members.

The SAICPA is grateful to the Indulkaninna Foundation for making these bursaries possible for our members

Last updated: 16 June 2020